Before we move in depth with Image Processing first we need to know about .
What is an Image? How the Image can be Represented ? How it is Capture ? and the most important thing is what are the different image formats ? what are the application we are getting from Image Processing ?
Image is 2D picture captured from 3D real world , it represent the Momentary event , image is made up different set of picture elements called Pixel. Pixels are very smallest potion of the Image .
Image can be represented in 1D,2D,3D, or Multidimensional. Normally we work with 2D images .
We capture the Image either using Camera or synthesis using graphics computer system .
Image consist different set of Image formats like 1.> JPEG 2.>BMP 3.>GIF 4.> TIFF 5.>PNG 6.>PIXMAP so on..,
Image Processing application not stick on to the single field. we may apply the Image Processing in many application and many fields.
Like 1.>Medical Image Processing ==> MRI ,CT Analysis
2.> Artificial Intelligence
3.> Satellite Image Processing
4.>Industrial Application
5> Film Industries ==> Designing the Animated Movies.
6> Marine Engineering .
Continued ....,
What is an Image? How the Image can be Represented ? How it is Capture ? and the most important thing is what are the different image formats ? what are the application we are getting from Image Processing ?
Image is 2D picture captured from 3D real world , it represent the Momentary event , image is made up different set of picture elements called Pixel. Pixels are very smallest potion of the Image .
Image can be represented in 1D,2D,3D, or Multidimensional. Normally we work with 2D images .
We capture the Image either using Camera or synthesis using graphics computer system .
Image consist different set of Image formats like 1.> JPEG 2.>BMP 3.>GIF 4.> TIFF 5.>PNG 6.>PIXMAP so on..,
Image Processing application not stick on to the single field. we may apply the Image Processing in many application and many fields.
Like 1.>Medical Image Processing ==> MRI ,CT Analysis
2.> Artificial Intelligence
3.> Satellite Image Processing
4.>Industrial Application
5> Film Industries ==> Designing the Animated Movies.
6> Marine Engineering .
Continued ....,